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Help improve traffic safety in your community with Verizon Intersection Safety Analytics.

Smart Communities solutions

Solution brief

  • Introduction

  • As cities across the world grow bigger and more complex, they are facing new challenges.  Each year, more than 40,000 people—the population of a small city—are needlessly killed on American streets and thousands more are injured.1 Losing a single human life should never be acceptable when technology exists to help prevent such a tragedy. City leaders are committing to traffic safety and are increasingly turning to technology to help their communities become safer and friendlier to pedestrians and bicycles. Currently, 34 U.S.  cities have signed up for the Vision Zero initiative.

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  • vehicle

    In 2016, the estimated number  of motor-vehicle deaths in the U.S. totaled 40,200.2

  • Vision Zero overview

  • Vision Zero is an international initiative to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. First implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved successful across Europe—and now it’s gaining momentum in major American cities.1

    This new vision for safety includes: 

    • Vision Zero acknowledges that traffic deaths and severe injuries are preventable and sets the goal of eliminating both in a set time frame with clear, measurable strategies.
    • Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary approach that brings together diverse stakeholders, including technology providers, to address this complex problem.

    Proven strategies for lowering traffic-accident fatalities: 

    • Lowering speed limits
    • Redesigning streets
    • Implementing meaningful behavior-changing campaigns
    • Enhancing data-driven traffic enforcement
Intersection Safety Analytics Solution Brief | Verizon Solutions

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  • Measure your Vision Zero improvements.

    Many cities currently lack systematic data to make safety decisions. Decisions can be based on historical crash data and manual counting. The Verizon Smart Communities—Intersection Safety Analytics solution helps municipalities and organizations like yours to quickly and cost-effectively support traffic safety initiatives, particularly Vision Zero. 

    Verizon Intersection Safety Analytics is an integrated, managed solution to measure conflicts among motorists, pedestrians and cyclists by collecting, processing, analyzing and correlating behavioral data.  

    The resulting analytics can be used to derive insights into how to change potentially dangerous road behaviors through infrastructure updates and intersection modifications. These changes can then help to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries caused by vehicle crashes.

  • Vision Zero Cities

    A Vision Zero City meets the following minimum standards:

    • Sets clear goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries
    • Mayor has publicly, officially committed to Vision Zero
    • Vision Zero plan or strategy is in place, or Mayor has committed to doing so in clear time frame
    • Key city departments (including Police, Transportation and Public Health) are engaged.
  • *An Intersection Safety Analytics dashboard showing the analysis of dangerous behavior patterns.

  • Key benefits


    A managed solution for measuring traffic safety.

    Features include: 

    • A dashboard to analyze the pattern of dangerous behaviors
      • Speed of vehicles and bicycles at an intersection
      • Count and turning movement of vehicles correlated with traffic signal phases
      • Count of pedestrians crossing an intersection correlated with walk/stop phases
      • Cyclist movement through an intersection correlated with traffic signal phases
      • Movement of pedestrians outside of designated crosswalk.
    • Historical data to demonstrate safety achievements
    • End-to-end assistance, from pre-design to installation to system maintenance  

    Keep ahead of your community’s safety.

    Benefits to cities and municipalities:

    • A business intelligence (BI) tool to compare and contrast road user behaviors before and after a street safety-infrastructure update or activity was implemented
    • The ability to identify locations with potential safety hazards to prioritize resources
    • Application programming interfaces (APIs) to feed measurement results to external platforms and data storage
    • Near real-time analytics data available in less than 24 hours
    • Preliminary design and assessment to assist funding application
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    Results from Intersection Safety Analytics can be affordable.

  • Why Verizon

  • We own and operate the nation’s largest and most reliable 4G LTE network, as well as a tightly integrated ecosystem of Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless network technologies. Verizon helps public- and private-sector planners increase economic development, drive citizen engagement and promote sustainability with our suite of Smart Communities solutions.

    With Verizon Smart Communities, you can collect critical data and gain near real-time visibility into vital operations. This helps you streamline the decision-making process and respond more quickly.  In addition, our experts can help you develop tailored plans to use resources more efficiently, improve public safety, increase non-tax revenue, engage residents and advance urban renewal efforts.

  • Learn more.

    Find out how Smart Communities solutions can help you create safer places for people to live, work and play.

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