- Open theMy Verizon appfrom the Account Owner or Account Manager device.If you're not able to access the My Verizon app, you can also visit the My Verizon website to transfer service.
- Tap theAccount tab.If prompted, enter your password, fingerprint or Face ID.
- From the Devices section, tap any mobile number.
- From the Device Management section, tapTransfer your service.
- TapStart a new transfer.
- Select the line(s) to be transferred then tapContinue.
- Select 'I want to transfer line(s) to a personal account' or 'I want to transfer line(s) to a business account', enter the applicable info then tapContinue.
- Review the Disclosures and Authorizations, tapAccept & Acknowledge.
- From the Review And Confirm Your Transfer Request screen, make sure everything is correct then tapContinue.An email with instructions on how to approve and complete the transfer is sent to you and the person assuming liability for your wireless number.
Transfer of service is when you move a Verizon mobile number (aka "line of service") from one Verizon account to another Verizon account. This is a good solution if you have a change in a family or workplace situation.