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My Verizon - Support Overview
Manage your account online with My Verizon. Pay your bill, check your usage, swap SIM cards, view your order status and much more.
Create Profile / Register for My Verizon - Website
Here's how to create a profile and register for My Verizon via a web browser.
My Verizon Website - Manage Plan
Here's how to change your plan via the My Verizon website.
Understand and change your mobile plan FAQs
Need more data? Want to switch to a new plan? Learn how to change your plan anytime online through My Verizon.
My Verizon Website - View Device Info
Here's how to view info (e.g., model, SIM ID, IMEI, etc.) for a device on your account via the My Verizon website.
Add a line to your mobile account FAQs
Learn about adding a new line of service to your account through My Verizon: find out how to add a new or previously owned device and how to switch a device from another carrier.
Change your mobile number FAQs
Get step by step instructions on how to change your mobile phone number, for free. Manage your account in My Verizon app or website, troubleshoot any issues.
Browse other topics
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Plans & Services
Add / Remove Spam Blocks - My Verizon Website
Here's how to block text messages originating from email addresses or domains via the My Verizon website.
Plans & Services
Add Safety Mode and/or Data Boost - My Business
Plans & Services
Add a Block - Call & Message Blocking - My Verizon Website
Here's how to temporarily block calls and messages from specific numbers for free via the My Verizon website.
Assign Account Manager FAQs
Learn how Account Owners can add users to your account, give permission to make changes to your account, what Account Managers can do and more.
Plans & Services
Block and Unblock Services
Visit your My Verizon Services page in order to block and unblock services on your account.
Plans & Services
Block and unblock FAQs
Learn about blocking and unblocking calls, text messages, emails, websites and marketing service purchases through my Verizon.
My Verizon App
Cancel Apple Music Subscription - My Verizon Website
Here's how to cancel your Apple Music subscription via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon App
Cancel Apple Music Subscription - My Verizon app
Here's how to cancel your Apple Music subscription via the My Verizon app.
Change billing address FAQs
Learn about changing your billing address online in My Verizon. Updating your billing address helps ensure you receive important account information.
Change the Password for a Verizon Website
Here's how to change your password used to access a Verizon website (e.g., My Verizon, Verizon Family, Verizon Cloud, etc.).
Change your mobile number FAQs
Get step by step instructions on how to change your mobile phone number, for free. Manage your account in My Verizon app or website, troubleshoot any issues.
Content Filtering FAQs
Learn about our Content Filtering service that provides free age-appropriate filters that can be changed at any time.
Content Filters to Protect Kids
Mobile experience management tools, helping families use technology safely and responsibly.
Create Profile / Register for My Verizon - Website
Here's how to create a profile and register for My Verizon via a web browser.
Data Utilization FAQs
Learn about a free online tool that helps you understand how the devices on your account are using data. Access it through My Verizon website and My Verizon app.
Didn't get my mobile device or accessory order FAQs
Find out what to do if your Verizon mobile device or accessory hasn't arrived.
Find Phones and Devices
Shop for phones and devices including the latest tablets and smartphones.
How to use My Verizon for prepaid
Step-by-step instructions for how to manage your prepaid account through the My Verizon website, like changing your plan and features and making a payment.
My Verizon App
How to use the My Verizon app for prepaid
Find steps for managing your prepaid account using the My Verizon app on your smartphone, including how to set up a Prepaid Family Account and manage devices.
Keeping your account safe from fraud FAQs
Learn how Verizon prevents fraud on your account. Set up secure passwords. File a claim to report unauthorized access. Get added protection with Digital Secure.
My Verizon App
Manage TravelPass - My Verizon Website
Here's how to add or remove TravelPass from your line using the My Verizon website.
Manage notification preferences in your My Verizon mobile account FAQs
Learn about setting up and managing alerts in your My Verizon account. Keep track of usage, billing, payments and account changes through text or email notifications.
Plans & Services
Managing mobile services and perks FAQs
Learn how to add and change features on your mobile devices with Verizon's Services & perks.
My Verizon App
My Verizon App - Download and Install
Here's how to download and install the My Verizon app to your Android or Apple device.
My Verizon App
My Verizon App - Manage Plan
Here's how to change your plan via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon App - Manage Video Streaming Quality
Here's how to switch between 480p and 720p video streaming quality via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon App - Wi-Fi Analyzer
Here's how to test and analyze your Wi-Fi signal for your 5G Home via augmented reality (AR).
My Verizon App
My Verizon App Simulator for Android
Get a step-by-step interactive tutorial of features and functions available in the My Verizon app. Learn how to manage your devices, 5G Home Wi-Fi or Smart Family from your phone. You can monitor your data, view your bill, and get on-demand support.
My Verizon App
My Verizon App Simulator for iOS
Get a step-by-step interactive tutorial of features and functions available in the My Verizon app. Learn how to manage your devices, 5G Home Wi-Fi or Smart Family from your phone. You can monitor your data, view your bill, and get on-demand support.
My Verizon Website (Prepaid) - Move Prepaid Single Line to Family Account
Here's how to move a single prepaid line to a Prepaid Family Account via My Verizon.
My Verizon Website - Determine Safety Mode Status
Here's how to determine if Safety Mode is enabled or disabled via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Manage Plan
Here's how to change your plan via the My Verizon website.
Plans & Services
My Verizon Website - Manage Service Blocks
Here's how to add or remove blocks for voice / messaging / app downloads / web purchases via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Manage Video Streaming Quality
Here's how to switch between 480p and 720p video streaming quality via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Merge Verizon User ID
Here's how to merge your Verizon Mobile and Home User ID via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Reset Voicemail Password
Here's how to change or reset your Voicemail password via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Sign In
Here's how to log in / sign in to your My Verizon account via our website.
Plans & Services
My Verizon Website - Suspend / Reconnect Device
Here's how to suspend or reconnect a phone number using the My Verizon website.
Transfer your service
My Verizon Website - Transfer Your Service
Here's how to authorize or complete a Transfer Your Service request via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Turn Off All Usage Alerts
Here's how to manage alerts you receive for data usage via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Turn On Usage Alerts
Here's how to manage alerts you receive for data usage via the My Verizon website.
Plans & Services
My Verizon Website - Turn Safety Mode On / Off
Here's how to turn Safety Mode on or off via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Update Account Managers
Here's how to add or remove Account Managers via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - Update Connected Device Emergency Address (E911)
Here's how to update the E911 address on your device, used by emergency personnel, via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon Website - View Device Info
Here's how to view info (e.g., mobile number, SIM ID, IMEI, etc.) for a device on your account via the My Verizon website.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Data Hub
Here's how to view and manage your data usage via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Manage Account Settings
Here's how to update your profile info (e.g., greeting name, email, address, etc.) via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Manage Add-Ons
Here's how to manage add-ons (Verizon Cloud, Block Caller ID, etc.) via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Manage International Calling Plan
Here's how to manage international calling plans via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Manage Plan
Here's how to change your plan via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Manage Security Settings
Here's how to update your account password / PIN and manage other security settings via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Payments
Here's how to access payment options via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Reconnect Service
Here's how to reconnect service on a new or existing device via the My Verizon app (Prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Send Funds
Here's how to send funds to other lines on your account via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Suspend Device
Here's how to temporarily suspend service for a device via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - Upgrade Device
Here's how to upgrade a device on your account via the My Verizon app (Prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - View Documents, Receipts and Agreements
Here's how to view order status, receipts and other documents from the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app (Prepaid) - View Order Status
Here's how to view or check delivery status of orders (past and present) via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Account User Status
Here's info on account roles and functionalities for the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Activate New Line Using Previously Owned Device
Here's how to activate a new line with a device previously used on the account via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Add a Data Boost
Here's how to purchase a Data Boost via the My Verizon app to temporarily give your account more shared data.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Add a Mobile Hotspot Data Boost
Here's how to purchase a Mobile Hotspot Data Boost via the My Verizon app to temporarily give a line more high-speed hotspot data.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Add a New Line of Service
Here's how to add a new line of service to your account via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Adjust Service Blocks
Here's how to adjust service blocks (e.g., web purchases, video downloads, etc.) via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Block Calls & Messages
Here's how to temporarily block calls and messages from specific numbers for free via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Change Mobile Number
Here's how to change your mobile number via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Chat with Tech Coach
Here's how to chat with a Tech Coach rep via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Check for Updates
Here's how to determine if your My Verizon app has an updated version available to download.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Determine Safety Mode Status
Here's how to see if Safety Mode is enabled or disabled on your account via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Device Payment Plan - Complete a Payoff
Here's how to complete a device payment agreement via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Manage Account Settings
Here's how to manage your profile, edit your contact number and update your address via the My Verizon app
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Manage Device Options
Here's how to manage service blocks, content transfer and other device settings via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Manage Notifications
Here's how to manage text or push notifications via My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Manage Privacy Settings
Here's how to manage Verizon Custom Experience and Location Services via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Manage Security Settings
Here's how to manage your Security Question, Voicemail Password and Account PIN via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon app - Merge Verizon User ID
Here's how to merge your Verizon Mobile and Home User ID in the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Pay Bill / Manage Bill Settings
Here's how to make a payment and manage payment methods (Auto Pay and paper-free billing) via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Phone to Phone Content Transfer
Here's how to transfer content from one phone to another via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Purchase a PopData Session
Here's how to purchase short-term unlimited data via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Request Account Manager Access
Here's how to request Account Manager access on the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Set up Verizon Prepaid Service with an eSIM
Here's how to connect your smartphone to the Prepaid network with an eSIM.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Turn Safety Mode On / Off
Here's how to enable or disable Safety Mode via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Turn Touch or Face ID On / Off
Here's how to sign in to the My Verizon app via fingerprint or facial recognition.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Update Account Managers
Here's how to update Account Managers via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Update Language to Spanish
Here's how to update the language for the My Verizon app to Spanish.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - Upgrade Device
Here's how to upgrade a device on your account via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - View Data Usage
Here's how to view and manage your data usage via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - View Device Payment Status
Here's how to see the payment status via the My Verizon app for a device you purchased.
My Verizon App
My Verizon app - View Order Status
Here's how to view and check the delivery status of orders (past and present) via the My Verizon app.
Purchase Accessories
Shop for cell phone accessories and more, from cases and chargers to headphones and wearable tech.
Reconnect service on a mobile line FAQs
Find out how to reconnect your devices after a service suspension.
My Verizon App
Register via My Verizon app
Here's how to create a My Verizon profile and link your Verizon services via the My Verizon app.
My Verizon App
Register via My Verizon app (Prepaid)
Here's how to register for My Verizon via the My Verizon app (prepaid).
Plans & Services
Remove a Block - Call & Message Blocking - My Verizon Website
Here's how to remove a temporary call or message block via the My Verizon website.
Reset the Password for the Verizon Website
If you can't remember your My Verizon sign-in info or your account has been locked, view this.
Shipping options for your online purchases FAQs
Learn about options to get your online wireless orders shipped to you from Verizon, including timing, free 2-day shipping and more.
Plans & Services
Suspend service for military deployment, vacation or lost phone FAQs
Learn how to temporarily suspend your Verizon wireless service, when your phone is lost or stolen, during military service, or for other reasons.
Swap mobile phone with someone on your account FAQs
Learn how to swap phones between mobile numbers on the same Verizon standard monthly account. Get instructions on how to order a new SIM card.
Plans & Services
Switch to Verizon Wireless
Learn how you can switch to America's most reliable wireless network and still keep your number.
Plans & Services
Understand and change your mobile plan FAQs
Need more data? Want to switch to a new plan? Learn how to change your plan anytime online through My Verizon.
Upgrade your Verizon mobile device FAQs
Learn how to check your upgrade eligibility, how to upgrade, transfer eligibility between devices and more.
Using the My Verizon app & website for your mobile account FAQs
Learn to set up and manage your account online using My Verizon. You can pay bills, check usage, change addresses, select features and upgrade your device.
Verizon mobile Account PIN FAQs
Your 4-digit account PIN verifies your identity when you contact Verizon by phone or chat. Learn how to keep your account and personal information secure.
Verizon mobile usage FAQs
Check your current cellular data usage and get an 18 month data usage history. Set usage limits and get text alerts when you near your monthly allowance.
My Verizon App
Video: Add an International travel plan with the My Verizon app(length: 0:15)
Watch how easy it is to add an International Travel Plan to your Verizon account with the My Verizon app. Go international mode before airplane mode.
Length: 0:15
My Verizon App
Video: App 101 - How to add an international plan to your account(length: 1:40)
Watch this video to learn how to add an international plan to your account using the My Verizon app.
Length: 1:40
My Verizon App
Video: App 101 - How to set up a promise to pay your bill(length: 1:09)
If you can't pay your bill on time, watch this video to learn how to set up a promise to pay in the My Verizon app.
Length: 1:09
My Verizon App
Video: Get Support Quickly and Easily with the My Verizon App(length: 0:15)
Chat with us fast, get answers even faster. Watch how quickly and easily the “Service Chat Bot” answers your questions on the My Verizon app.
Length: 0:15
My Verizon App
Video: Get one Verizon ID in the My Verizon app(length: 1:14)
Learn how to set up your one Verizon ID that will allow you to access both your Home and Mobile account information in the My Verizon app.
Length: 1:14
My Verizon App
Video: Get to know the My Verizon app(length: 1:10)
Manage your account and plan from the palm of your hand. See your feed, dive deeper into your data, view your bill, get on-demand support, or even change your plan or upgrade your device.
Length: 1:10
Video: How Do Device Payments Work?(length: 1:29)
Watch this video to get an overview of how device payments work.
Length: 1:29
Video: How to Activate Your Device(length: 2:57)
Watch this video to learn how to activate a new device, or switch between devices, on your existing My Verizon account.
Length: 2:57
Video: How to Change Billing or Service Address(length: 1:31)
If you move, you can change your billing or service address in a snap with My Verizon. Watch this video to see how.
Length: 1:31
Plans & Services
Video: How to Suspend or Reconnect Service(length: 1:56)
If your Verizon Mobile phone has been lost or stolen, see how simple it is to temporarily suspend and then reconnect your service in this video.
Length: 1:56
Video: How to Trade in Your Device(length: 2:00)
The Device Trade-in Program lets you recycle devices to benefit our planet, or receive an account credit or gift card.
Length: 2:00
Plans & Services
Video: How to add Blocks(length: 2:43)
Find out how to block unwanted calls, messages, emails and services on your account.
Length: 2:43
Video: How to change your phone number(length: 2:44)
Watch this video to learn how to change your Verizon phone number or keep your current phone number if you are switching to Verizon.
Length: 2:44
Video: How to upgrade your mobile device(length: 3:37)
With My Verizon, you can check your upgrade eligibility and get the latest and greatest devices on the market. This video will show you how.
Length: 3:37
Video: Return a device or accessory(length: 2:00)
Watch this video to see how to return or exchange a device or accessory you purchased from Verizon wireless.
Length: 2:00
Video: Sign in with your Verizon device(length: 0:36)
Learn the fastest way to access your My Verizon Account. When you sign in using your Verizon device, it's secure, simple and seamless.
Length: 0:36
Video: The My Verizon Data Widget for Android(length: 0:55)
The My Verizon Data Widget allows you to quickly view your data usage without having to open the app. Watch this video for a quick setup overview.
Length: 0:55
Video: The My Verizon Data Widget for iOS(length: 1:10)
The My Verizon Data Widget allows you to quickly view your data usage without having to open the app. Watch this video for a quick setup overview.
Length: 1:10
Video: Understanding Account Roles & how to assign them(length: 3:04)
Watch this video to get an overview of the different account roles within My Verizon. Learn how to assign an Account Manager to help manage your account.
Length: 3:04
My Verizon App
Video: Upgrade your phone quickly with My Verizon app(length: 0:15)
Watch how easy it is to upgrade your phone on the My Verizon app. You're just a few clicks away from a hot new device.
Length: 0:15