Organizations need to involve employees in selecting the IT tools and services they use. Without employee buy-in, the technology ROI will never be realized. Unfortunately, our survey showed that the IT department made unilateral buying decisions in over half of organizations.
The period of Great Experimentation
Organizations are now in what we call a period of “Great Experimentation”—exploring how to reinvent work and optimize for CX, EX and stakeholders.
For many businesses, this may mean repurposing office space to help improve productivity, efficiency and flexibility. The report discusses ways to pivot using an activity-based working (ABW) approach to create a more effective work environment. For instance, rather than merely offering cubicles and meeting rooms, you might provide collaborative meeting spaces, quiet areas for focused work, mini phone booth rooms for private calls and open, creative spaces to encourage interaction.
Businesses should also consider the touch points (e.g., voice, email, chat and social) where potential clients can interact with their organization and ensure that they are equipped to manage customers’ journeys effectively. The full report highlights how your peers are prioritizing IT investments to meet those needs.
Lead with insight
Effective leadership requires organizations to continually learn from what is working and what isn’t, to engage all stakeholders in this learning process and to make the investments needed to succeed.
With the right insights and strategies, you can create lasting organizational change that will boost performance and help ensure positive employee and customer experiences.