Contract Modifications
Networx Enterprise
As specified in the Networx Enterprise contract between Verizon and the General Services Administration (Contract Number: GS00T07NSD0038) in accordance with Section H.11, entitled Electronic Access to Contract, Verizon is posting the Networx Enterprise Contract in redacted format to remove proprietary information and is in conformance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Years 2009-2021
SF30 Mod | PS1595
Effective Date: 10/27/21
Description: To add FAR 52.223-99 clause in Section I of the contract as follow:
(a) Definition. As used in this clause -
United States or its outlying areas means—
(1) The fifty States;
(2) The District of Columbia;
(3) The commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands;
(4) The territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands; and
(5) The minor outlying islands of Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Atoll.
(b) Authority. This clause implements Executive Order 14042, Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, dated September 9, 2021 (published in the Federal Register on September 14, 2021, 86 FR 50985).
(c) Compliance. The Contractor shall comply with all guidance, including guidance conveyed through Frequently Asked Questions, as amended during the performance of this contract, for contractor or subcontractor workplace locations published by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (Task Force Guidance) at https:/
(d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in subcontracts at any tier that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation 2.101 on the date of subcontract award, and are for services, including construction, performed in whole or in part within the United States or its outlying areas.
SF30 Mod | PO1591
Effective Date: 5/26/21
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0038 is to exercise the first option period for the Networx Enterprise Extension
2. In accordance with FAR Clause 52.217-9 of the contract, the Government hereby elects to exercise the first option period and extend the term of the contract.
- The period of performance is from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022.
SF30 Mod | PS1568
Effective Date: 10/27/21
Description: The purpose of this modification is to change Section I to incorporate new FAR clause 52.223-99, Ensuring Adequate COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, as mandated by Executive Order 14042: Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors.
1. To add FAR 52.223-99 clause in Section I of the contract as follow:
(a) Definition. As used in this clause - United States or its outlying areas means—(1) The fifty States; (2) The District of Columbia; (3) The commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands; (4) The territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands; and (5) The minor outlying islands of Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Atoll.
(b) Authority. This clause implements Executive Order 14042, Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, dated September 9, 2021 (published in the Federal Register on September 14, 2021, 86 FR 50985).
(c) Compliance. The Contractor shall comply with all guidance, including guidance conveyed through Frequently Asked Questions, as amended during the performance of this contract, for contractor or subcontractor workplace locations published by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (Task Force Guidance) at https:/
(d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in subcontracts at any tier that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation 2.101 on the date of subcontract award, and are for services, including construction, performed in whole or in part within the United States or its outlying areas.
SF30 Mod | PS1555
Effective Date: 6/30/20
SF30 Mod | PS1505
Effective Date: 10/01/19
Description: 1. To add GSAR clause 552.204-70 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (Aug 2019), pursuant to Class Deviation CD-2019-11, issued August 13, 2019 under Section I.
2. To add FAR clause 52.204-25, Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (AUG 2019), as prescribed in FAR 4.2105(b) under Section I.
SF30 Mod | PS1463
Effective Date: 11/26/18
Description: 1. Section I is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached New Section I.
SF30 Mod | PS1460
Effective Date: 11/16/18
Description: To add 12 months DMRC term to the Networx Contract in Section B.
The following sections are affected by this change:
a. Paragraph B.4.8.2.b Payment Methods for SEDs - (page B-296)
b. Table B.4.8.2-1 Monthly Payment Factor - (page B-296)
c. Table B.4.9.1-8 Wireline SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-304)
d. Table B.4.9.2-8 Wireless SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-306)
e. Table B.4.9.3-8 Satellite SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-309)
f. Table B.4.9.4-8 Management, Applications, and Security SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-312)
SF30 Mod | PS1422
Effective Date: 2/27/18
Description: To remove Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) requirement for MTIPS from the Networx Contract in Section C.
The following sections affected by this change:
a. Paragraph C. (1)d. - Function Definition - (page C-69)
b. Figure C. - The TIC Portal Security Operation Center Architecture - (page C-83)
c. Paragraph C. 4 - TIC Portal Capabilities - ICD 705 Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) - (page C-93)
d. Paragraph C. 1.c. - MTIPS Global Response Loop - (page C-110)
e. Table C. - MTIPS Security Domain Overview - (page C-112)
SF30 Mod | PS1405
Effective Date: 10/16/17
Description: To change Section J.12.3 Service Provisioning Intervals
From: The provisioning interval for routine and Class B expedited orders shall be measured in calendar days from the service orderconfirmation date in the Service Order Confirmation to the completion date in the Service Order Completion Notice (SOCN)in accordance with Section C.3.5, Service ordering. For orders for which a provisioning interval is not defined in TableJ.12.3-1, the completion date shall be less than or equal to the firm order commitment date on the Firm Order CommitmentNotice.
To: The provisioning interval for routine and Class B expedited orders shall be measured in calendar days from the service order confirmation date in the Service Order Confirmation to the completion date in the Service Order Completion Notice (SOCN) in accordance with Section C.3.5, Service ordering. For orders for which a provisioning interval is not defined in Table J.12.3-1, including services with originating or terminating SWCs that are either OCONUS or Non-Domestic, thecompletion date shall be less than or equal to the firm order commitment date on the Firm Order Commitment Notice.
SF30 Mod | PS1385
Effective Date: 6/8/17
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0008 is to add the following language at Section B.6.5 to provide guidance for Telcordia SWC remappings as follows:
When the coordinates of an NSC change, the SWC it is mapped to may change. As these changes occur to the mapping of NS Codes to SWCs, the Government will update Table B.6.5-9. The contractor will review Table B.6.5-9 on a monthly basis to update their Operational Support Systems (OSS) to reflect the new mapping. The new mapping will be effective on the first of the subsequent month and will apply to all new Service Orders and Service Orders in progress prior to the SOC notification. For example, NS Code A is mapped to SWC 1 with a last modified date of January 15, 2005. Due to the update NS Code A is now mapped to SWC 2 with a last modified date of February 15, 2008. For February, 2008, the NS Code A is mapped to SWC 1, but as of March 1, 2008, the mapping of NS Code A to SWC 2 is in effect; this change will be applied to rates returned on a Service Order SOC issued after March 1, 2008. SWC 1 mapping will remain in effect for all Service Orders with a SOC date prior to March 1, 2008. As a result the Government recognizes the potential for an invoice to reflect different rates for the same services at a single NSC based on the SWC mapping for each Service Order on the date of the SOC and it shall not be the basis of a billing dispute.
In addition to these changes, the Government will also be performing a quarterly review and update of all NSC to SWC mappings in the beginning of February, May, August, and November. The Government will then post this update to the NHC. The update will change Table B.6.5-9 and result in the addition of new records showing the new last modified date. The contractor will update their respective Operational Support Systems in order to reflect the new mappings effective on the 1st of March, June, September, and December through the monthly updates These shall be applied in the same manner as described in the previous paragraph.
SF30 Mod | PS1304
Effective Date: 4/17/17
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0038 is to remove the Service Outage (SLA) from the Verizon Networx Enterprise Contract. Specifically, changes are incorporated at J.13.1 Introduction, J.13.2 (Table J.13.2-2), J.13.3.18 Performance Objective for Service Outage SLA (Service Independent and Incident Based), J.13.4.2 Incident-Based Service Outage Credits, J.13.5.1 Notification Forms for Incident-Based Credits, and J. Form for Requesting Incident-Based Service Outage Credits.
2. The contract is modified as follows:
Remove wording in Section J.13.1 Introduction, under “1. Service Outage SLA”.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an agreement between the General Services Administration (GSA) and the contractor to provide a service at a performance level that meets or exceeds the specified performance objective(s). Seventeen of the SLAs are for technical services specified in Attachment J.13.3, SLA Performance Objectives. These SLAs are service specific. If awarded the service cited in the SLA, the contractor shall comply with the SLA. Three SLAs apply to all services awarded, except where otherwise indicated, and are termed service-independent. The contractor shall comply with each service-independent SLA for all awarded services.
SF30 Mod | PS960
Effective Date: 6/2/15
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate language regarding Trade Act Agreements and Service Enabling Devices.
2. The contract is modified as follows:
Section B. This section is modified to add the following language to B.4.1:
“SEDs may or may not be domestic end products or end products of a designated country. SEDs are not available through this contract apart from ordering the telecommunications network service.
Telecommunications network services is one of several services excluded from the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and the other Free Trade Agreements executed by the United States Government. See FAR 25.401(b). The telecommunications network service offered under this contract has been determined by the GSA Contracting Officer to be domestic in origin. See FAR 25.402(a)(2).
As telecommunications network service is excluded from Trade Act Agreements coverage, GSA has used the group offer analysis provided by FAR 25.503(c)(1) to determine that the value of the domestic end product exceeds 50% of the total proposed price of the group; therefore, the bundled telecommunications network service and SEDS group offer is evaluated as domestic.”
Section I. This section is modified to add FAR 52.225-5 Trade Agreements (NOV 2013) in full text.
SF30 Mod | PS860
Effective Date: 10/23/14
Description: The purpose of this modification is to incorporate changes to Sections B, C, G, H and J that allow the GSA contracting officer (CO) to issue Delegations of Procurement Authority (DPA) to agency warranted COs and appoint them as Ordering Contracting Officers (OCO). The modification allows OCOs to issue task order solicitations that contain non-standard requirements, such as:
- Agency Unique CLINs and prices that will not be incorporated into the Networx contract
- End-to-end bundled unit pricing
- Unit pricing that includes all applicable taxes, fees and surcharges
- Taxes, fees and surcharges may be included in the calculation of the GMS fee and will be considered billed eligible revenue
- Additional billing elements
- Additional deliverables
The following sub-sections are modified: B.1.2; B.; C.; G.1.1.1; G.1.1.2; G.; G.4.5; G.5.2; G.6.2; G.7; H.18; H.28; J.4 ;J (Appendix A)
SF30 Mod | PS858
Effective Date: 9/11/14
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate a change to Section C.2.1.12 Compliance with National Policy Directives.
The contract is modified as follows:
Section C.2.1.12: The following is added as paragraph d):
Starting on October 1, 2014 (Federal Government fiscal year 2015) all Internet Protocol (IP)- Based services and Service Enabling Devices (SEDs) procured via the Networx acquisition program which make use of IP-Based Services or provide support for IP-Based Services must comply with the following standards and policies and directives to the greatest extent that they are applicable to the IP-Based service or Service Enabling Device, with the following allowable exceptions;
1. If the procuring department/Agency’s Chief Information Officer determine the need for and provides an explicit written waiver: (For example; the procuring Agency CIO provides an explicit written waiver if the agency requests SEDs that do not have commercially available IPv6 functionality).
2. If the IP-Based service does not sit on the agencies’ network but is instead provided on the Contractor’s network, or is not provided on the public Internet.
IP-Based Service is defined in Networx Section C.2.1.1, figure C.2-1 to include the following; Premises-Based IP VPN, Network-Based IP VPN, Voice Over IP Transport, Content Delivery Network, Converged IP, IP Telephony, Internet Protocol, IP Video Transport, and Layer 2 VPN Service.
Standards and policies and directives;
- Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires acquisitions to adhere to U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 500-267, A Profile for IPv6 in the U.S. Government
- Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires acquisitions to adhere to declarations of conformance as defined in the USGv6 Test Program associated with U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 500-267, A Profile for IPv6 in the U.S. Government (reference NIST Special Publication (SP) 500-273, USGv6 Test Methods: General Description and Validation)
- The September 28, 2010 memorandum from the U.S. Chief Information Officer with subject: “Transition to IPv6”
- Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-05-22, dated August 2, 2005 with subject: “Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
- Federal Chief Information Officers Council Planning Guide/Roadmap Toward IPv6 Adoption within the U.S. Government
SF30 Mod | PS661
Effective Date: 6/9/14
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate changes to Section C related to Operational Support Systems (OSS) Security Requirements and Personnel Background Investigation Requirements.
2. The following sub-sections are modified: C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.3.9.5
SF30 Mod | PS792
Effective Date: 5/19/14
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate a change to Section B.3.2.2 providing an exception only for Broadband Ethernet Access to the rule that there must be a Serving Wire Center (SWC) price in order for a Network Site Code (NSC) price to be established on the contract.
2. The contract is modified as follows: Section B.3.2.2 b) The following is added to paragraph b):
The sentence that immediately follows is the only allowable exception to the requirement that access prices for a SWC shall be established on this contract prior to adding any prices for NSCs served by that SWC. In cases where a domestic Broadband Ethernet Access price for a SWC is not on the contract, prices for up to two NSCs served by that SWC may be added to the contract. Thereafter, prices for additional NSCs may be added only after the price for the SWC that serves those NSCs is established on the contract. If necessary, NSC prices established under this exception shall be reduced to be no higher than the corresponding SWC price if and when the SWC price is added to the contract.
SF30 Mod | PS098
Effective Date: 11/19/09
Description: The purpose of this Modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0038 is to incorporate the following changes:
1. Section B.3.2.2 is modified to change the price structure for Broadband Ethernet Access; Table B.3.2.2-1 is uReserved;" and Table B.3.2.2-7 is added.
Networx Universal
As specified in the Networx Universal contract between Verizon and the General Services Administration (Contract Number: GS00T07NSD0008) in accordance with Section H.11, entitled Electronic Access to Contract, Verizon is posting the Networx Universal Contract in redacted format to remove proprietary information and is in conformance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Years 2014-2021
SF30 Mod | PS2114
Effective Date: 10/27/21
Description: The purpose of this modification is to change Section I to incorporate new FAR clause 52.223-99, Ensuring Adequate COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, as mandated by Executive Order 14042: Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors.
1. To add FAR 52.223-99 clause in Section I of the contract as follow:
(a) Definition. As used in this clause -
United States or its outlying areas means—
(1) The fifty States;
(2) The District of Columbia;
(3) The commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands;
(4) The territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands; and
(5) The minor outlying islands of Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Atoll.
(b) Authority. This clause implements Executive Order 14042, Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, dated September 9, 2021 (published in the Federal Register on September 14, 2021, 86 FR 50985).
(c) Compliance. The Contractor shall comply with all guidance, including guidance conveyed through Frequently Asked Questions, as amended during the performance of this contract, for contractor or subcontractor workplace locations published by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (Task Force Guidance) at https:/ (d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph
(d), in subcontracts at any tier that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation 2.101 on the date of subcontract award, and are for services, including construction, performed in whole or in part within the United States or its outlying areas.
SF30 Mod | PO2106
Effective Date: 5/26/21
Description: The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0008 is to exercise the second option period for the Networx Universal Extension 2. In accordance with FAR Clause 52.217-9 of the contract, the Government hereby elects to exercise the second option period and extend the term of the contract. The period of performance is from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022.
SF30 Mod | PS2074
Effective Date: 8/14/20
Description: The purpose of this Modification is to incorporate revised Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (Aug 2020). This supersedes any previous version(s) of the clause included in the contract. 52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. More on Mod.
SF30 Mod | PS2060
Effective Date: 6/30/20
Description: 1. To add GSA Task-Order and Delivery Order Ombudsman Guide in Section G.
a. In accordance with GSAM 516.505 (b): The GSA Task-Order and Delivery Order Ombudsman shall review and resolve complaints from contractors concerning all task and delivery order actions made by GSA. Complaints regarding task and delivery order actions of other agencies using GSA contract vehicles shall be directed to the ordering agency’s Task-Order and Delivery-Order Ombudsman.
For orders issued by GSA, see
b. GSA TASK & DELIVERY ORDER OMBUDSMAN CONTACT INFORMATION GSA Task & Delivery Order Ombudsman, 1800 F Street NW, Washington, DC. 20405 Email: [email protected]
2. To add GSAR 516.505 Task-Order and Delivery-Order Ombudsman, 516.506 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses and 552.216-76 Ordering Agency Task-Order and Delivery-Order Ombudsman by reference in Section I.
3. To add FAR clause 52.216-32 Task- Order and Delivery-Order Ombudsman (Sept 2019) and Alternate I (Sept 2019) in Section I.
SF30 Mod | PO2035
Effective Date: 3/12/20
Description: The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0008 is to exercise the first option period for the Networx Universal Extension 2. In accordance with FAR Clause 52.217-9 of the contract, the Government hereby elects to exercise the first option period and extend the term of the contract. The period of performance is from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021.
SF30 Mod | PS2029
Effective Date: 2/5/20
Description: 1. To add FAR clause 52.204-23 Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab and Other Covered Entities (July, 2018) by Incorporate by reference (IBR) in Section I.
2. To add FAR provision 52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (Dec 2019) to the contract.
SF30 Mod | PS2006
Effective Date: 10/1/19
Description: 1. To add GSAR clause 552.204-70 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (Aug 2019), pursuant to Class Deviation CD-2019-11, issued August 13, 2019 under Section I.
2. To add FAR clause 52.204-25, Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (AUG 2019), as prescribed in FAR 4.2105(b) under Section I.
SF30 Mod | PS1952
Effective Date: 11/26/18
Description: The purpose of this Modification is to incorporate the following: 1. Section I is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached New Section I.
SF30 Mod | PS1949
Effective Date: 11/16/18
Description: To add 12 months DMRC term to the Networx Contract in Section B.
The following sections are affected by this change:
a. Paragraph B.4.8.2.b Payment Methods for SEDs - (page B-241)
b. Table B.4.8.2-1 Monthly Payment Factor - (page B-241)
c. Table B.4.9.1-8 Wireline SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-249)
d. Table B.4.9.2-8 Wireless SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-252)
e. Table B.4.9.3-8 Satellite SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-255)
f. Table B.4.9.4-8 Management, Applications, and Security SED CLIN DMRC Relationships footnote** - (page B-258).
SF30 Mod | PO1898
Effective Date: 3/7/18
Description: The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0008 is to exercise the second option period for the Networx Universal Extension. In accordance with FAR Clause 52.217-9 of the contract, the Government hereby elects to exercise the second option period and extend the term of the contract. The period of performance is from March 29, 2018 to March 28, 2019.
SF30 Mod | PS1894
Effective Date: 2/27/18
Description: To remove Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) requirement for MTIPS from the Networx Contract in Section C.
The following sections affected by this change:
a. Paragraph C. (1)d. - Function Definition - (page C-69)
b. Figure C. - The TIC Portal Security Operation Center Architecture - (page C-80)
c. Paragraph C. 4 - TIC Portal Capabilities - ICD 705 Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) (page C-90 & C-91)
d. Paragraph C. 1.c. - MTIPS Global Response Loop (page C-107) e. Table C. - MTIPS Security Domain Overview (page C-109).
SF30 Mod | PS1849
Effective Date: 6/8/17
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0008 is to add the following language at Section B.6.5 to provide guidance for Telcordia SWC remapping’s as follows: When the coordinates of an NSC change, the SWC it is mapped to may change. As these changes occur to the mapping of NS Codes to SWCs, the Government will update Table B.6.5-9. The contractor will review Table B.6.5-9 on a monthly basis to update their Operational Support Systems (OSS) to reflect the new mapping. The new mapping will be effective on the first of the subsequent month and will apply to all new Service Orders and Service Orders in progress prior to the SOC notification. For example, NS Code A is mapped to SWC 1 with a last modified date of January 15, 2005. Due to the update NS Code A is now mapped to SWC 2 with a last modified date of February 15, 2008. For February, 2008, the NS Code A is mapped to SWC 1, but as of March 1, 2008, the mapping of NS Code A to SWC 2 is in effect; this change will be applied to rates returned on a Service Order SOC issued after March 1, 2008. SWC 1 mapping will remain in effect for all Service Orders with a SOC date prior to March 1, 2008. As a result the Government recognizes the potential for an invoice to reflect different rates for the same services at a single NSC based on the SWC mapping for each Service Order on the date of the SOC and it shall not be the basis of a billing dispute. In addition to these changes, the Government will also be performing a quarterly review and update of all NSC to SWC mappings in the beginning of February, May, August, and November. The Government will then post this update to the NHC. The update will change Table B.6.5-9 and result in the addition of new records showing the new last modified date. The contractor will update their respective Operational Support Systems in order to reflect the new mappings effective on the 1st of March, June, September, and December through the monthly updates These shall be applied in the same manner as described in the previous paragraph.
SF30 Mod | PS1666
Effective Date: 4/17/17
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification to Contract GS00T07NSD0008 is to remove the Service Outage (SLA) from the Verizon Networx Universal Contract. Specifically, changes are incorporated at J.13.1 Introduction, J.13.2 (Table J.13.2-2), J.13.3.17 Performance Objective for Service Outage SLA (Service Independent and Incident Based), J.13.4.2 Incident-Based Service Outage Credits, J.13.5.1 Notification Forms for Incident-Based Credits, and J. Form for Requesting Incident-Based Service Outage Credits.
2. The contract is modified as follows: Remove wording in Section J.13.1 Introduction, under “1. Service Outage SLA”. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an agreement between the General Services Administration (GSA) and the contractor to provide a service at a performance level that meets or exceeds the specified performance objective(s). Seventeen of the SLAs are for technical services specified in Attachment J.13.3, SLA Performance Objectives. These SLAs are service specific. If awarded the service cited in the SLA, the contractor shall comply with the SLA. Three SLAs apply to all services awarded, except where otherwise indicated, and are termed service-independent. The contractor shall comply with each service-independent SLA for all awarded services.
SF30 Mod | PS1210
Effective Date: 6/2/15
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate language regarding Trade Act Agreements and Service Enabling Devices.
2. The contract is modified as follows:
Section B. This section is modified to add the following language to B.4.1:
“SEDs may or may not be domestic end products or end products of a designated country. SEDs are not available through this contract apart from ordering the telecommunications network service.
Telecommunications network services is one of several services excluded from the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and the other Free Trade Agreements executed by the United States Government. See FAR 25.401(b). The telecommunications network service offered under this contract has been determined by the GSA Contracting Officer to be domestic in origin. See FAR 25.402(a)(2).
As telecommunications network service is excluded from Trade Act Agreements coverage, GSA has used the group offer analysis provided by FAR 25.503(c)(1) to determine that the value of the domestic end product exceeds 50% of the total proposed price of the group; therefore, the bundled telecommunications network service and SEDS group offer is evaluated as domestic.”
Section I. This section is modified to add FAR 52.225-5 Trade Agreements (NOV 2013) in full text.
SF30 Mod | PS1067
Effective Date: 9/11/14
Description: The purpose of this modification is to incorporate a change to Section C.2.1.12 Compliance with National Policy Directives. The contract is modified as follows: Section C.2.1.12: The following is added as paragraph d): Starting on October 1, 2014 (Federal Government fiscal year 2015) all Internet Protocol (IP)- Based services and Service Enabling Devices (SEDs) procured via the Networx acquisition program which make use of IP-Based Services or provide support for IP-Based Services must comply with the following standards and policies and directives to the greatest extent that they are applicable to the IP-Based service or Service Enabling Device, with the following allowable exceptions; 1. If the procuring department/Agency’s Chief Information Officer determine the need for and provides an explicit written waiver: (For example; the procuring Agency CIO provides an explicit written waiver if the agency requests SEDs that do not have commercially available IPv6 functionality). 2. If the IP-Based service does not sit on the agencies’ network but is instead provided on the Contractor’s network, or is not provided on the public Internet. IP-Based Service is defined in Networx Section C.2.1.1, figure C.2-1 to include the following; Premises-Based IP VPN, Network-Based IP VPN, Voice Over IP Transport, Content Delivery Network, Converged IP, IP Telephony, Internet Protocol, IP Video Transport, and Layer 2 VPN Service. Standards and policies and directives; x Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires acquisitions to adhere to U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 500-267, A Profile for IPv6 in the U.S. Government x Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires acquisitions to adhere to declarations of conformance as defined in the USGv6 Test Program associated with U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 500-267, A Profile for IPv6 in the U.S. Government (reference NIST Special Publication (SP) 500-273, USGv6 Test Methods: General Description and Validation) x The September 28, 2010 memorandum from the U.S. Chief Information Officer with subject: “Transition to IPv6” x Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-05-22, dated August 2, 2005 with subject: “Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) x Federal Chief Information Officers Council Planning Guide/Roadmap Toward IPv6 Adoption within the U.S. Government
SF30 Mod | PS843
Effective Date: 6/9/14
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate changes to Section C related to Operational Support Systems (OSS) Security Requirements and Personnel Background Investigation Requirements.
2. The following sub-sections are modified: C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.3.9.5.
SF30 Mod | PS1008
Effective Date: 5/19/14
Description: 1. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate a change to Section B.3.2.2 providing an exception only for Broadband Ethernet Access to the rule that there must be a Serving Wire Center (SWC) price in order for a Network Site Code (NSC) price to be established on the contract.
2. The contract is modified as follows:
Section B.3.2.2 b) The following is added to paragraph b):
The sentence that immediately follows is the only allowable exception to the requirement that access prices for a SWC shall be established on this contract prior to adding any prices for NSCs served by that SWC. In cases where a domestic Broadband Ethernet Access price for a SWC is not on the contract, prices for up to two NSCs served by that SWC may be added to the contract. Thereafter, prices for additional NSCs may be added only after the price for the SWC that serves those NSCs is established on the contract. If necessary, NSC prices established under this exception shall be reduced to be no higher than the corresponding SWC price if and when the SWC price is added to the contract.