Digitally transform your organization with innovative, secure solutions for Public Sector, with help from experts.
Explore world-class solutions that help your agency scale securely—all while helping to reduce costs.
Find the right services to support your digital transformation journey.
Leverage a cost-effective alternative to in-house IT monitoring and management. Our services span a wide spectrum of technologies, along with the support to help strategically plan and implement them.
Easily upgrade your legacy networks, leveraging technologies such as SD WAN and Network Function Virtualization (NFV).
Smoothly implement world-class voice and data solutions—with the help you need to plan, design and deploy them.
Get 24/7 network and security support for a more predictable, cost-effective alternative to in-house management. So IT staff can focus on your strategic priorities.
Outsource day-to-day tasks with a suite of solutions designed to deliver the performance and connectivity you need to stay up and running.
Guard against cyberattacks with security support to help you spot potential threats—before they have an impact on your agency.
Use our easy assessment tool to gain insights into your organization’s stage of digital transformation—and create an action plan.*
Learn how Verizon supplied 5G internet to 14 learning centers and K-12 schools to help about 6,500 students during the pandemic.
*Report results are based on self-reported information and are for assessment purposes only. Your actual data systems and information configurations and needs may differ from these results and report insights. You should not rely on this report in lieu of a professional assessment of your data transformation needs. Please contact your Verizon Account Representative for more information and details regarding your digital transformation assessment results.
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