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VoIP Inbound Local Origination

Handle and route local numbers just like US domestic toll-free numbers. 

What it is

VoIP Inbound Local Origination (VILO) allows enterprises with US branch-like locations to retain new and existing local telephone numbers and maintain an image of local presence even when they are virtual and/or outsourced from the local branch.

Sqre|Contact center employee engaged in phone conversation

Maintain a local presence/telephone number

You can establish an answering condition that makes it appear as if the contact center representatives are in a US  local calling area of the actual US caller.

Consistent Caller Experience

Calls made to US local telephone numbers are enabled with the same capabilities of intelligent call routing, call treatment and call management typically used to connect toll-free calls to contact centers.

Centralized Call Management

Available within the Network Manager tool/portal for all call center telephone numbers (i.e., toll-free and local). All traffic can be centrally managed and has access to all advanced routing features, including IVR functionality.


Consistent caller experience

Offers the same call treatment selected for your application.

Customizable feature options

Enterprises are in control of the call path and same routing features as toll-free services including network IVR for self-service and then to the next appropriate destination based on caller input and/or predetermined routing instructions (i.e., busy/no answer; time-of-day/day-of-week, etc.). 

Cloud-based options

Speech recognition features can be layered into the IVR, so calls can be customized with local information for better call handling.

Cost efficient

The service is an extremely cost-effective alternative to traditional toll-free calling options. In most cases the customer can retain their existing local numbers while gaining the benefits of Verizon VoIP Inbound routing capabilities.


Intelligent call routing

Provide global IP network integration and intelligent call routing to the best available resource in multiple contact centers.

Local phone numbers

Utilize new and existing US phone numbers to maintain a local presence in US branch locations.

Management tools

Get service management, traffic monitoring and reporting for visibility into your solution.

Tailored call coverage

Customer can block incoming calls based on originating state or area code.

Intent of use of US VILO numbers is for US callers only. Not for use by International inbound calling originations.

Geographic/point-of-call routing

Route calls to pre-determined locations.

Time interval routing

Routing configured based on time of day, specific day the call is placed.

Why choose us

A proven contact-center solutions leader

VoIP leader

Best practices award by Frost & Sullivan

100 M+

consumers supported by our call center operations


years helping business improve customer experience

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VoIP Inbound Local Origination (VILO) service allows enterprises with branch-like locations to utilize their new and existing local telephone numbers, and maintain an image of local presence even when they are virtual and/or outsourced from the local branch area.

With VILO, you can establish an answering condition which makes it appear as if the contact center representatives were in a US  local calling area of the actual US caller.

Integration with existing VoIP systems based in the US may be possible. Please consult with your Verizon Business Account Manager.

VILO is more suitable for medium to large businesses with call centers.  Customers would need to have IP Contact Center service, which requires contract terms and commitments. VILO is just one number type for inbound US calling in Verizon’s IP Contact Center portfolio.  It is best to reach out to your Verizon Business Account Manager.

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