
  1. Anita Lettink, LinkedIn Pulse. and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

  2. Frost & Sullivan's Transformative Mega Trends in the United States through 2030, April 2021.

  3. Delloitte Global Millennial Survey. (

  4. The 2020 US Census.

  5. US Census Department, Educational Attainment in the United States. March 2020.

  6. Frost & Sullivan’s Communication and Collaboration Investment Priorities Global Report, February 2021.

  7. Frost & Sullivan’s Global customer perspectives on contact center trends by country. October, 2021.

  8. Anita Lettink, LinkedIn Pulse and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

  9. Frost & Sullivan, Communications and Collaboration Investment Priorities. February 2021.

  10. Frost & Sullivan, Global Customer Perspectives on Contact Center Trends by Country. October 2021.

  11. Frost & Sullivan. COVID-19 Pandemic Ignites Enthusiasm for Virtual Care, February 2021.

  12. Chase Bank. Ibid.

  13. Pedro Amorim and Nicole DeHoratius, MIT Sloan Management Review, August 2021.

  14. Frost & Sullivan. Customer Perspectives on Contact Center Trends Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, September 2021.

  15. Declan Harty, Pandemic retail trading boom remakes brokerage landscape, S&P Global, April 2021.