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What is Verizon Family?
How much does Verizon Family cost?
Who is eligible to get Verizon Family?
How do I get the app and sign up for Verizon Family?
What's the difference between Verizon Family and Verizon Family Plus?
What is the difference in Verizon Family roles?
How do I upgrade to Verizon Family Plus?
I have Verizon Smart Family already. Can I keep it?
What’s the difference between Verizon Smart Family and Verizon Smart Family Premium?
What Verizon Family features are available without downloading the Verizon Family Companion app on my dependent's device?
What notifications will my dependent receive from Verizon Family? Can I stop these notifications?
How will I be able to identify text messages sent from Verizon Family?
What if my dependent has to make an emergency call while their line is restricted?
How do I unsubscribe from Verizon Family?
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How can I access and manage my Verizon Family account?
How do I add family members to my Verizon Family account?
Can I set up a second guardian device or change the role of a family member in Verizon Family?
Will changing my phone number or a device also change my Verizon Family service?
What does my dependent see when they open the Verizon Family Companion app?
Can my dependent locate me as the guardian?
Can my dependent view my call, text, and web and app activity?
Am I alerted if my dependent tries to remove the Companion app?
How do I pair the guardian and dependent devices?
How do I stop my dependent from removing the Companion app?
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Can I view the content of the text messages that my dependent sends and receives?
Will iMessages or other third-party app messages and calls show up in my dependent's daily Activity log?
Can I see my dependent's screen time for the day?
Can I see my dependent’s web and activity for the day?
Can I receive alerts about my dependent's web or app activity?
Can I view my dependent's web and app activity when they're on Wi-Fi or offline?
How is my dependent's web and app activity being collected?
How is my dependent's screen time being collected?
Can I see the web and app activity of non-dependent lines on my account?
Who can view my dependent's web and app activity?
How can I turn off the Web & App Activity feature or Screentime feature on my dependent's device?
What activity is limited when a time restriction is in effect?
Can Verizon Family block third-party apps and features that can be used for calling and texting?
How can I block a website or app? Can I allow my dependent to visit a website that's currently blocked by a content filter?
Can I block an app that's not included in a content filter category?
Will I be notified if my dependent tries to access blocked content or websites?
How do I remove content filters for a family member?
I have content filters set through my home Wi-Fi router. What happens when Verizon Family's content filters conflict with my router's content filters?
Why are some apps or websites not working properly when I block a different one?
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What is Driving Insights?
What do I need to do to use Driving Insights for my dependent?
How does the Companion app determine when a trip has started and ended?
Will Verizon Family determine if my dependent was a passenger or driver?
What is the driving score in Driving Insights?
What incidents am I informed about while my dependent is driving?
Will my dependent know that I can view their driving habits and history through Verizon Family?
How long can I view my dependent's driving history through Verizon Family?
Can I use Verizon Family to prevent my dependent's phone usage while they're driving?
What are some factors that may affect Verizon Family’s ability to record a drive or an accurate trip route?
Will Driving Insights work if my dependent is on Android Auto or Apple CarPlay?
Is an internet connection required to record a drive with Driving Insights?
Can I monitor my own driving activity with Driving Insights?
How can I turn off Driving Insights?
What is Verizon Family Crash Detection?
How do I enable Crash Detection?
Will I receive a notification for every vehicle crash with Crash Detection?
Will Verizon Family call 911 in the event a crash is detected?
What is Verizon Family Roadside Assistance?
How do I get a Verizon Family Roadside Assistance subscription?
Why should I pre-register my vehicles for Roadside Assistance?
What if someone else is driving my car and needs Roadside Assistance?
How soon does Verizon Family Roadside Assistance start after I enroll?
What vehicles are not eligible for Verizon Family Roadside Assistance?
What information do I need when the service provider arrives?
How do I request Roadside Assistance?
What notifications will I receive after I submit a Roadside Assistance request?
Where can I find the terms of service for Verizon Family Roadside Assistance?
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What is the top contacts category in Verizon Family?
What are trusted contacts in Verizon Family?
What are blocked contacts in Verizon Family?
How does Caller ID Blocking impact the blocked contacts list?
Can I see the names I or my dependent have for saved numbers?
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